
Plants grown under intensive management conditions - with water, fertilisers and pesticides routinely supplied, are costly to grow, and often struggle when introduced to a more natural environment. While we strive to grow healthy plants, our actions and chemical inputs harm the very things that make soil healthy. Without a living soil food web to support growing plants, the result is likely to be poor, weak and chemically dependent plants.   

Symbio specialises in selecting and applying mycorrhizae, soil bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms found in a healthy soil food web; together with biostimulants to feed the soil biology, and organic fertilisers to support plant growth, the result is a complete solution to healthy plant production. By inoculating your growing medium with nature’s support system you will see faster growth, reduced fertiliser and pesticide inputs, and healthier plants, with a far greater transplant survival rate. 


Liquid Organic Fertilisers and Biostimulants

BioBooster Fish Hydrolysate

SYMBIO BIOBOOSTER FISH HYDROLYSATE is one of nature’s most efficient plant and microbe stimulants - containing NPK of 8.7.7 and numerous trace elements. It is an excellent low light, cool season growth promoter. The proteins in Fish Hydrolysate provide a readily available food source for beneficial soil microorganisms. 

Symbio BioBooster Organic Liquid Fertiliser 6.2.4

BIOBOOSTER LIQUID ORGANIC FERTILISERS contain a range of high quality organic nutrients derived from sugar beet and plant wastes and which are suitable for all stages of plant growth: From a balanced N.P.K. for young plants requiring leaf and root development, through periods when extra foliar and stem growth is required, to a higher potassium source for flower and fruit development.

Symbio BioBooster Organic Liquid Fertiliser 3.0.8

BIOBOOSTER LIQUID ORGANIC FERTILISERS contain a range of high quality organic nutrients derived from sugar beet and plant wastes and which are suitable for all stages of plant growth: From a balanced N.P.K. for young plants requiring leaf and root development, through periods when extra foliar and stem growth is required, to a higher potassium source for flower and fruit development.

Symbio CMS Shoot

SYMBIO CMS SHOOT 5.0.2 is made from condensed molasses solubles (CMS) by amino acid fermentation. Amino acids improve plant metabolism, and the sugars and organic content act as a biostimulant for beneficial bacteria and fungi.

Get in touch

Please get in touch if you would like more information about Symbio’s products and services, or if you would like to discuss working together on your next project.